Thursday, March 28, 2013

It's less than a week

Sooo crazy that I leave in less than a week! It has total flown by! If u are anticipating ur own leave date into the mission field u might feel a little like me right now!!! I am freaking out! Like I just feel so weird like should I really go? Apparently these feelings are completely normal! So I didn't end up getting my visa so I am headed to the Provo MTC at 12:30 on Wednesday! I am super exited but also super nervous! If u are also like me then packing was very stressful!! I didn't realize how much stuff I had to get and sister missionary clothes can be hard to find! However I found a lot of cute outfits! And they are practical! I heard those are the best:) I will tag some photos!!:)

Friends: so just plan on all ur friends wanting to go to lunch with u the last week before u go. I have eaten out everyday this week haha!

Family: spend a lot of time with theme u will miss them most and they will ch age a lot!

Packing: I will have to post about this one later it could possibly be a nightmare:)

Anyways I am so excited to go! But my feelings are just so mixed because it is just going to be a whole new life and I am very scared!

Photos: one last time with friends:) I'll post an outfits post later today
Soon to be sister Elton